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Best 5 tricks to boost Your traffic and Improve the SEO of Blog 2016

Best 5 tricks to boost Your traffic and Improve the SEO of Blog 2016

A many new bloggers don't know the basic and minimum knowledge of SEO, They just focus on posting content but they forget SEO is very important part in order to improve their search rank In google and other search engines, You have to write your contents in SEO Rules so, your content get indexed and search engines server your content on their main page where top 10 websites listed.

If you don't want to become SEO Expert, But you have to get minimum knowledge on SEO, in order to optimize your website or blog, So that your post or content well indexed or crawler by search engines Bots.


The word which is famous by many bloggers on world is "Content King" you should focus on your quality on content, while rest does not matter, But this is not true. Quality Content it should not concern of new bloggers day by day, But I think after quality content our text will be and needs to be optimize in order to enhance and boost your website or blog seo.

Best 5 tricks to boost and Improve Your SEO:

Here are the very basic tips of SEO, at least minimum knowledge new bloggers must have to know here 5 tips shown below:

Post Long Content:

Publish that content which is more than 300 words under 300 words have very poor and little chance to be in Search engines listed. If your keywords are good enough than you may be listed in top search engines with content very less under 300 words but it was competitive keywords that you have to select for your post title, that have an energy to bring large number of visit in your website, 

I recommend you to long your post there is a range 300-600 words if your words are under 300 then it may affect the performance of your website but if it long than 600 words than its fine crossing is fine and less than is not good enough you taking risk of your website. So Publish content which have more than 300 words if you understand topic your talking about then you can easily write more than 300 words.

Use of Keywords in your Content:

You have to choose important keyword for your content title you can also use Google Adword and search for keyword you know what people typing keywords to find things, As You see my keywords best tricks to boost Your Traffic and Improve SEO. And I certainly help you to get better rank on search engine. As my title you see along other keywords that is optimize for SEO.

Headings in H2 tag:

Another big mistake made by blogger is that they just Bold Their headings you know for better SEO your headings must be in <h2> </h2> tags otherwise your content not well optimize according to google or another search engines, Google is a larger search engine in the world and almost every person using it. So we have to follow google policy in order to make our website efficient  and well manner and highly optimize. You must have to choose h2 headings for your post here I am using below:

So Always choose headings and sub headings for your content headings. 

Keywords Use in text:

Use of keywords in text, make sure you throughout the keywords from text. You have notice down that I repeat my Post or content title in very first line of paragraph in italic you do same but be careful there is a limit of this between 2.0 to 5.5  for the best results in search engine less than text can have no effect and If your title is long than its alert search engine and your text title consider as spam. So be sure and careful in this case.

Right Choose of keywords:

When you writing an post is it recommended  to use of google keywords in order to get high traffic from search engines, it is due when you writing a post or content choose a best keyword or term, You have to choose best term-Keyword or a text to be searched on google. And boost your post on top on google search result. For this you have to use your keyword in few times in a text.

As you see here are 5 best tricks to boost your traffic and improve your site SEO, make sure you follow all steps in order to optimize your site in well manner, I think we are done, Share this post to your friends who make blog but don't know the basis of SEO.
Best 5 tricks to boost Your traffic and Improve the SEO of Blog 2016 Best 5 tricks to boost Your traffic and Improve the SEO of Blog 2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 08:50:00 Rating: 5

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